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Sunday, February 26, 2006

One of my faves

I love the deep, rich colours of this orchid. It's very exotic and sexy. That's the vibe I get whenever I see them. Too bad they don't have a scent.

Well, I'm off to find me some food. Perhaps there's a curry puff left over.

Oh, checked one of my e-mail accounts that I don't open very often (because I used it to subscribe to my uni Yahoo group and all I get these days are money-making scheme spams). Well, I found a Nokia newsletter with a link to a contest. I could win two Nokia 6111 phones if I played it right.

My chance at redeeming myself. But again, the four templates available didn't allow my creative juices to flow. Oh least I entered before the deadline of the 7th of March. Imagine if I checked my e-mail after the deadline. I'd be going, "Arrrghhh! I could have won, I could have been a contender!"

Take care all, I'll bring my camera along to uni tomorrow and see if there's anything new/interesting on campus.
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