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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some photos from days past

Yes, I know it's been awhile. These two roses were from a floral arrangement (one of three) made by Mum for the church's Easter decorations. The lighting was terrible, which was why I decided to blur the pic above (except for the spot in the middle).

Here's another rose from the same arrangement. I sprayed water on it, but no thanks to the lighting and my lack of expertise, it just doesn't work. And I can't use Photoshop to save my life. *grin*

It rained heavily the other day, and before it stopped, I took my camera and an umbrella to see if I could find anything interesting. Most of the flowers had drowned under the deluge, and the only thing remotely interesting were a pair of snails. Since the smaller snail was crawling towards a pile of cat droppings, I decided not to snap the scene. I took this pic instead.

Moving on, I decided to look for the caterpillar. And I found it soon enough. It was on a wet leaf, looking all plump and juicy. Dad mentioned that it was a Bluebottle...and I'm sure he didn't mean a fly. I should bring out that Butterfly book and have a look. I blew at it and its red (I know they're not feelers) pointy things shot out once again. I took several pix of that (and surprisingly, they're not on this page. Oh well...they look exactly the same as in the other post).

I've been busy the past two days, trying to find those 'tube' images at (waah, so clever...a few seconds after I typed that out, it became a link!). They didn't say how many tubes were out there, but I managed to find more than 60. The first entry I submitted yesterday had 72 tubes in total. The second (and final) entry had more. The grand prize is an iPod mini and a hamper worth RM300. (Since it's 2am...I'll consider this still the 17th). So anyways, as I was double checking the links, my mobile phone rings next to me.

"Hello, I would like to talk to the person whose handle is 'Tigrrr' - T I G R R --"
"Yes, that's me."
"Congratulations! You won the (mind not paying attention) CD Of The Week (mind not paying attention) ... "You're Beautiful" (something something). May I have your name and contact details?"

Just then, my phone beeped once. I ignored it. I stated my name...then beep beep "...My battery --"

I hurriedly went out to where my Dad has the charger on the ready and plugged it in. Then I realized that it was off. I turned it on and I got a message waiting for me. I had a missed call.

I tried calling back and the Astro operator was none too pleased when I said, "I won a CD of The Week, but before I could give my details my battery died!"

"Ma'am, from which (something) is it from?"

How was I supposed to know? The guy didn't even introduce himself! I thought at the time that it was and so I said, "" and she put me through. There was no answer and I didn't leave a message. And then when I really thought about it...if I had won something from the site, they wouldn't call me for details and they sure wouldn't use my handle. That's when it hit me. I had answered a few SMS questions about a week or two before and the only thing they had was my number and handle. As the hours ticked by, I was sure I was going to kiss my prize goodbye. Then I remembered! I could go to Channel 16 ( and use their chat function to get back to those people. I sent in my query ("I just got a call saying I won a CD of the Week, but before I could give my details, my battery died. How? Did I lose my chance? Tq") and the person responding as Hitz replied that he/she would let them know and that they would make sure I got my prize. My phone's all charged up now. I'll make sure it's with me the whole time! I'll heave a sigh of relief when I get my prize. I think I entered three or four of those SMS contests. All I had to do was unscramble and text back the answer. I do recall one of the answers being 'George Michael'.

On a low note, I've been having trouble the past two days trying to log into my Yahoo account. This means that I can't access the Yahoo groups, Flickr, the 360 blog, Yahoo! Games and YM! Arrghhhh!!! I wonder why? Surely it's got nothing to do with the fact that I've installed Blue Frog, right? I'll keep my fingers crossed.

As for the Puzzler game and the other games at, well, (I think it's because I asked the son of a family friend to sign up using my handle as referrer and he gave my handle to his fellow gamers at the site he usually plays at), I am currently #1 for Puzzler, Be Control and Indirection. He got 26 people to sign up with me! Whoa...

At first, I was puzzled (heh) when I saw the long list of 'friends'. Could it have been a conspiracy among the other players to bring me down (by signing up under me and using fake details so that I would be caught 'cheating')? Well, I did the first thing that came to mind. I reported it! I didn't want them to think I was cheating after my numerous (pesky) reports about the cheaters. And then when I realized that it could be Kevin's friends...I wrote another message to them. Thank goodness, they haven't done anything drastic. Phew. If all things stay the way they do until the 1st of May, then I will have won a RM500 Fasio hamper, a month's supply of Smoothies (RM268.50) and a month on the Detox programme (RM80) from Juice Works, a RM60 haircut from SA International Image Styling Creative Center, a two-month Home membership at Fitness First, and a starter pack for Xtion Paintball worth RM60 (for 2). If only I knew whether the vouchers were transferrable. I asked the all4grabs people and they didn't seem very sure. I asked the Fitness First people and they said that if the voucher was under my name, then it couldn't be transferred. Note to self: transferrable, transferable, transferrer, transferal, transferral, transferred, transferring - all acceptable.

Well, that's it from me. Take care, all!
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Anonymous said...

"On a low note, I've been having trouble the past two days trying to log into my Yahoo account. This means that I can't access the Yahoo groups, Flickr, the 360 blog, Yahoo! Games and YM! Arrghhhh!!! I wonder why?"

sharlini, do you remember if u ever clicked this link?

it's a scam. and later i got the link from you in YM. and i naively thinking it was yours so i just login with my Y! ID to view pic. BUT now i cant login my yahoo id too. i realised it's a freaking scam and i've sent countless emails to Yahoo and they dont even freaking replied me.

that stupid BR changed my pwd, my info, everything. stupid BR. gosh i'll kill him if i can. stupid fucking BR. (yes he's a BR, BR means Brazilian)

my fault for not being more cautious. but i love that email add FGS! i've had it since 1997! argh!!!!

Tigrrr said...

Trust me, I didn't send it to you...the darn thing did it by itself. I'd like to castrate that sorry excuse for a human 'bean'. Whylah I so bodoh?

I've had that e-mail since I dunno when. 1996 kot. All my special e-mails were in there. Some even had subscription e-mail where my passwords were displayed. Eek!