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Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I took this pic on the 24th. I took a lot of shots, mostly blurry but that was because there were so many mosquitoes back there. It's near the septic tanks and I'm sure it's mosquito city in there. Anyways, after clicking away at the two love birds I told Dad what I had done and showed him the pix. First thing he said was, "Ladybird porn!" Hehehe...

Must be the season for ladybirds. I saw many in the chilli bush and I had hoped that some would turn up on the lime bush because I saw many aphids wiggling their little behinds as they sucked on the new shoots. But instead of attacking the aphids, these two had other things in mind. Hmmm... Or perhaps, on seeing the ample food supply, they decided to make babies so that their little offspring could have a feast after they hatched.

Am over 200 games behind. Oh well. I'm just making her work for first place. *evil grin*
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