In fact, the first two shots were of the flower just newly bloomed. Then the wind started to blow and I looked away in frustration. The next thing I knew, it had opened up nicely.
I'm going to yak until I get to the bottom bit of this first pic. I've been stuffing myself with food the past few days. Second day of CNY, we had some family friends over for lunch. It culminated with AIS KACANG! Then yesterday, no ais kacang. Made up for lost time today with a nice BIG bowl of ais kacang. Errrm, too much ice. Fingers froze.
Yesterday's lunch was Indian rojak. Mum wasn't happy with her first try, so she made it again. Her rojak sauce tasted really nice, not too hot (even if it was, had plenty of ais kacang to cool down the burning tongue).
Tonight, it's going to be burgers for dinner! Yum! Minced beef, shaped into fat little patties. As much onions, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, cucumbers as I want...Mmmm...
Okay, now to the pix!
Photos arranged chronologically.
Annoying buzzing was heard and I started to itch. Darn mosquitoes. I think I killed about 10 mosquitoes, in various stages of gluttony (not unlike myself). I did keep one dead mosquito and when I saw a spider (looking like a kerengga), I offered the dead mosquito to it. It hopped on my index finger and I let go of its prey. It hopped off happily with its present. Then the wind started to blow and with the mosquito between its mandibles, the spider hopped on a leaf. It sheltered against the wind and started to munch on the mosquito. I left before donating more of my O+.
A few hours later, while I was throwing away some orange peel, I noticed two more buds had bloomed.
Anyway, I just realized that I didn't resize those pix. I think I had enough shots of passionfruit blooms for one day. *g* That's why I suddenly took pix of leaves against the cloudy sky.
Hmmm, the photo changes when there's more cloud and less blue. More gloom. Alrighty then, one more photo (of the Indian rojak sans rojak sauce/gravy), and then I promise, "No more passionfruit flowers for at least another month!" *big grin*
Take care all!